Dil Dhadakne Do- Review by Aumaparna

Dil Dhadakne Do – Film Review

Let The Heart Beat

Worth watching once.

On Family confrontations.

Inference: Be it a poor family, a middle class family or a rich class family – all more or less suffer from the same human and relationship emotions as dealt in the film.

Pluto – the doogy-woggy rocks!



Anil Kapoor and his wife – filthy rich people, parents of one son – Kabir and one daughter – Priyanka.

Anil is a flirtatious businessman and merrily sleeps around with women while away on tours – wife knows all about it and can say nothing about it – overeats due to depression – because of debauch husband.

Priyanka is married to Rahul Bose – a rich businessman, chosen by parents. Mother-in-law is belittling and unappreciative of daughter-in-law. Priyanka builds up her own biz setup and is successful too – she attains all this on her own – by selling her jewellery and not because of husband’s support. Rahul is shown to be a dry personality who does not quite believe that women should work and create their own niche in the biz world – but reluctantly has accepted Priyanka’s success – so it seems. Priyanka was in love with Farhan – who was the son of Anil’s Manager at office. Anil had come to know about it – so had arranged to send Farhan away to US for further studies – so that he could get him off Priyanka’s mind and get her married to whoever he (Anil) thinks is more eligible for her! Priyanka is claustrophobic in the relationship – with unappreciative Mother-in-law and a husband who she could never really love – since she was in love with Farhan.

Son Kabir is happy go lucky, likes flying and has zero interest in business but is forced to attend biz meetings as he is heir to the entire biz.

Such are the characters – who all come together in a cruise party.

Anushka – is a belle-bar dancer kind of a female who had run away from home. Belonged to a Muslim family. After having run away from home, she had worked as waitress etc to accumulate enough money to be able to join dance classes – no not classical dance – but cabaret dance that females have to perform in bars where couple of rich, old hags & alcoholic anonymous a*sho*es often come to watch semi-nude or strip-tease females dance- gyrate on the pole. Obviously no sane family with a wee bit of self respect will ever allow their daughters to do such a thing – the reason Anuska had to run away from home. Usually it is understood that females who agree to dance wearing almost nothing and use gestures and postures to sensually arouse males irrespective of class, creed, breed, age and culture – are usually game girls (dhande-wali) who even readily agree to sleep with anyone who pays her more! Although the fact that Anuska has slept around is not shown in the film – but it is rather understandable. She sleeps with Kabir- the client she meets in the film btw. Kabir now wants to marry her…much to her surprise as she mentions that guests come, have sex, get entertained and then bid goodbye!!

Why would Kabir choose such a ‘loose-life-style’ wali life-partner?

Kabir had grown up watching his parents fighting over trifle issues. Although the issues were trivial but the main reason behind the fights were obviously his father’s ‘debauch’ nature which his mother could not tolerate as she herself was a chaste woman (she is not shown having any affair with any driver or gateman or gym-instructor…as is talked about such ladies!). So Kabir must have weighed the pros and cons and understood that since he is rich and good looking, he will have many such occasions in life where young, taut game girls will want to ‘jump-on-bed’ with him. If he marries a highly chaste, no-nonsense lady like his mother, his life too will be a living hell – like his father! Thus he found the strip-tease cabarate dancer to be an ideal life-partner for him.

What happens to Priyanka – she continues to live with almost bald and short statured Rahul Bose or runs to the arms of ex-lover, tall and smarter Farhan?

She had been observing her mother – had witnessed her pathetic life and how she struggled to draw her husband’s attention….she loathed the sight of Rahul basically but somehow managing to live with him – she almost was about to kill him in the tennis game..lawn tennis…by hitting him hard- without regrets! When she sees Farhan after a long time – she is hopeful that things may change for better for her…and musters the courage to ask Rahul for a divorce. Her own parents were shell shocked to hear about her decision and were much against it. For them, a woman is born to serve her husband – however ‘impossible – a-hubby-n-his-family’ be! See – as I started – poor, middle class or rich – all have the same opinion about woman!

Did Farhan agree to marry Priyanka…in spite of the fact that she was married, sleeping with her husband?

Yes, he did. He was the Manager’s son – belonged to the middle class level. Every one aims to reach the next level. She was his ticket to that ‘next’ level afterall. Plus he would never have found such a beautiful wife and rich female in his life…..he also had been in love with her …once upon a time. According to the film – he had maintained his chastity for Priyanka……a very slight indication is given of this.

Will they all live happily ever after – after all the confrontations etc?

There is no guarantee.



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